Ralph Ratcliffe Models is having an 'End of Summer' sale, offering all of the items in his catalog at 10% off.
William (Ralph) Ratcliffe says, "I had to close my web store a few years ago due to real life time constraints, but my complete product line has always been, and still is available directly from me. I haven't been able to run a sale though but now it's time. Just in time for the arrival of Fall and the indoor season, it's a good time to start some new projects or get back to work on some unfinished ones. I have over 130 products available from complete truck kits, cab kits, wheels, frames, and lots of detailing parts to just about everything you need to create a great 1/87 scale project."
Contact William at ratmodels187@gmail.com and he'll send you a complete list of all of his products with ordering information, either via e-mail, or hard copy form via U.S. Mail. You can also find Ralph Ratcliffe Models on Facebook and message him there. [posted 09/14/2016]