Andy Park built this model of a Nicolas Industrie (France) heavy
pallet carrier as used in steel mills around Europe.
The basis is a Kibri Scheuerle carrier but Andy discarded the underslung
cab and rear-mounted engine and scratchbuilt a front grille and skirts
with access steps built in, added a modified Herpa Liebherr 583 cab
(which is basically what Nicolas uses), scratchbuilt air intakes, grab
rails, buffer or heavy duty headache rack, added 2 large center axles
using Herpa wide truck front wheels (filed and sanded to represent
driven axles) and tyres, and replaced the remaining Kibri pendulum
axles with Herpa ones.
The pallet was shortened by 1 bay and "aged" steel coils
added, and the whole lot is finished in the livery of Anglo-American
mill services group Heckett Multiserve, and finally weathered with
a mist of light matte grey paint. A truly outstanding model!!
Posted August 28, 2004 |